Image of a circular dial with a sad face, a straight face and an arrow pointing to a smiley face

One of our team just came back from an overnight trip full of praise for the hotel they stayed in and its management.

Not only was this because the hotel was great but also because of an email the manager had sent within minutes of them checking in, which explained the high standards they wanted to achieve and what guests should do if anything falls short of that. Read our blog for more about how we think this type of excellent customer care could be applied to our work.

When the use of flat-roofing in construction hit its first wave of popularity (roughly from the 1950’s to 1970s), most of the properties that were built during that time offered little or no insulation. This approach, known as ‘cold roof’ construction, is now only rarely used as modern day property developments are far more likely to use ‘warm roofing’ methods which help to ensure rooms in the building are warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer, thereby reducing energy usage, bills and environmental impact.

In this week’s blog, we’re putting the spotlight on roofing insulation, its benefits and what’s changed between the older and newer generation systems.