Aerial image of a housing estate

Following the recent General Election, the Labour Party has secured a five-year term and set the stage for potential changes in the residential construction sector.

But, with ambitions that include the construction of an average 300,000 new homes each year set against a decline in the numbers of people employed in our industry, there are questions about how such target-driven progress can be achieved? Read on for a brief overview of the current situation and the new government’s plans.

Image showing houses being built on a building site in Basildon

A couple of weeks ago, we shared the first of our ‘Shout out to our suppliers’ blog series, in which we are recognising some of the brilliant suppliers who have been supporting Sheriff over the years.

While our first blog focussed on roofing and safety systems, today we’re turning our attention to two suppliers who, between them, are providing us with most of our masonry requirements. Keep reading to find out who they are.

Sheriff Construction has recently introduced the Causeway ‘Donseed’ digital workforce management system across both our brickwork and roofing divisions.

Usually used by companies much larger than us, we took the decision to keep up with this latest technology, which is giving us greater control of our sites, improving safety and increasing efficiency. Find out more in this week’s blog.

Arriving on the construction scene as a small gang of builders back in 2005, we have grown into a much larger enterprise that now comprises of two construction companies (Sheriff Construction and Sheriff Brickworks) plus two property development companies.

We could not have managed this level of growth without the fantastic suppliers that have supported us along the way, often for many years. So, we thought it was about time we used our blog to shine the spotlight on some of them. Read on for part 1 of this ‘shout out to our suppliers’ series.

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