Earlier this month, more than 100 UK businesses joined forces with the UK Green Building Council (UKGBC) in calling upon the Government to urgently reform the planning system to tackle climate change alongside the UK’s deepening housing crisis.

In their letter to government, the coalition is asking for reforms to the planning system that would bring it in line with the Climate Change and Environment Acts and says the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill (currently going through Parliament) could also be a crucial opportunity to align planning decisions with the nation’s net zero emissions target. Find out more in today’s blog.

Even though some people may be out off by rising energy prices and interest rates, home ownership is still very common, with many people viewing it as both a security blanket for themselves and their families and a lucrative investment opportunity.

When searching for the ideal residence, people tend to look for traditional must-haves like outdoor space, the size of the home, parking and local amenities. However, with new ideas and technologies constantly changing the way our houses are designed and fitted out, we wondered what might become the must-haves of the future. Read on for a few thoughts…