Image of a Christmas themed balloon arch at the Sheriff Christmas party

With the end of the year approaching, Sheriff’s team came together on Saturday night to eat, drink, dance and generally ‘be merry’ at our Christmas party.

As well as this being the moment when everyone starts enjoying the festivities, it’s always a time when we, at Sheriff Construction, like to look back and review what kind of year we’ve had. Read this week’s blog for a few of 2023’s highlights.

On Saturday, Sheriff Construction’s team members, their families and others who work alongside us came together for the annual Christmas bash.

Held at Venue 360’s Balcony Bar, it was a night of eating, drinking and of course dancing! Around 80 people came along and, as always, it was great to see everyone enjoying the festivities. Our thanks to everyone who joined us for this brilliant night out.

Although there are a few weeks left of 2022, whenever we host this party, it always seems like the right time to reflect on the year gone by. Once again it has been a busy year with lots of changes and some ups and downs in Sheriff’s world. In this week’s blog, we’ve picked out some of our highlights.