COVID-19 stories are dominating every aspect of our daily news, making it hard to filter out the information that might be the most relevant to you personally or professionally.
With that in mind here’s a few construction-related headlines you might have missed recently:
- Many UK housebuilders have furloughed high percentages (up to 80%) of their staff, including Barratt Homes, Taylor Wimpey, Countryside and Crest Nicholson.
- The government has refined its guidance to construction companies in England during the pandemic, making it clear that while sites do not have to close (even if they can’t maintain adequate social distancing) but emphasising the importance of thorough handwashing.
- Training provider, 3B Training Ltd has become the first provider to deliver a remote version of CITB Health & Safety Awareness course.
- In a National Crime Agency Investigation, a surveyor from West London has been arrested (under the Fraud Act 2006) on suspicion of illegally selling coronavirus testing kits to construction workers.
- In Italy, eight building and construction bodies, representing the interest of 20,000 contractors and building companies, have appealed to the government for construction activity in the country to be restarted.
- Construction consultant Arcadis has said that supply chain capacity is likely to be biggest risk to industry post-coronavirus and gives both optimistic and pessimistic case scenarios. The optimistic view assumes markets will be disrupted periodically throughout this year while the pessimistic case assumes that disruption will extend well into 2021 with significant damage to global and domestic economies.
- Towards the end of last month, Redrow boss, Steve Morgan announced a pledge to donate £1m per week to charities supporting vulnerable people in North Wales, Merseyside and Cheshire!
We’ll try to give you further news updates relating to our industry now and then but that’s all for today.
Image source: Freepik