Image showing a building on a construction site with a fire blazing and a crane over it.

A fire that ripped through a residential project in East London this June led to one construction worker having to be rescued from the end of a tower crane and seven people being hospitalised due to smoke inhalation.

The fire was just one of hundreds that occur on construction sites each year across the UK, potentially putting the lives of workers and members of the public at risk. Make sure this doesn’t happen at your site by reading our latest blog.

What causes construction site fires?

The main causes of fire on a construction site, include:

  • Hot work activities like welding, cutting, grinding and other heat-generating processes.
  • Damaged wiring, overloaded circuits, and improper use of electrical equipment.
  • Improper storage and handling of fuels, solvents, and other flammable or combustible substances.
  • Careless disposal of cigarettes and other smoking materials.
  • Arson (deliberate ignition of fires).
  • Improper use of temporary cooking equipment.
  • Misuse of portable heaters.
  • Spontaneous combustion (certain materials can ignite on their own under specific conditions).
  • Poor housekeeping leading to an accumulation of waste and debris.
  • Inadequate fire prevention measures, equipment or training.

What can you do to prevent fires from occurring on site?

The good news is that by implementing and following a comprehensive set of measures, fires on construction sites are preventable. This includes:

  • Develop and implement a comprehensive fire safety plan and ensure all subcontractors are made aware of this.
  • Implement a strict permit system for all hot work activities.
  • Regularly inspect electrical equipment, avoid overloading of circuits and use proper extension cords.
  • Follow guidelines for storing flammable materials and handling volatile substances (e.g. using designated areas only).
  • Establish designated smoking areas and/or enforcing no smoking policies in specific areas.
  • Provide regular training for all workers on fire safety protocols and evacuation procedures.
  • Provide clear operating instructions around firefighting equipment.
  • Ensure emergency exits are clear and accessible.
  • Install appropriate fire detection systems and fire extinguishers.
  • Maintain a clean and organised site by regularly removing waste.
  • Conduct regular fire drills to practice emergency procedures.
  • Regularly assess fire risks and implement control measures into construction plans.
  • Comply with all local fire safety regulations and standards.
  • Implement security measures like fencing, lighting, and alarms.

Protect your site and your people

Fires on construction sites are not only destructive to property but can also have devastating consequences for the lives of workers and members of the public. By understanding the common causes of fires and implementing effective prevention measures such as those outlined in this blog, you can significantly reduce the risk of a fire occurring on your site.

Remember, fire safety is everyone’s responsibility.

If you have any thoughts on additional measures that can prevent fire on a construction site, let us know by commenting over on our Facebook or LinkedIn pages.


Feature image: Freepik