Image of a circular dial with a sad face, a straight face and an arrow pointing to a smiley face

One of our team just came back from an overnight trip full of praise for the hotel they stayed in and its management.

Not only was this because the hotel was great but also because of an email the manager had sent within minutes of them checking in, which explained the high standards they wanted to achieve and what guests should do if anything falls short of that. Read our blog for more about how we think this type of excellent customer care could be applied to our work.

Image showing lots of colourful small wooden houses

Housebuilders are applauding a report by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) that pins the blame for the UK’s housing shortage on the country’s planning system, not on construction companies.

A few weeks ago, the CMA released the final results of its year-long investigation into the housebuilding market. While the initial media focus was on potential collusion among eight major builders, the industry’s deeper interest lies in the report’s findings on planning. Read on to find out more.

Image taken from an aeroplane showing the wing of the plane, the land below and a sunset in the distance

Having just returned from a business trip in Thailand, our Managing Director, Ekrem Mahmutaj, is currently full of tales about the places he visited and the people he met.

A strong believer in the philosophy that travel opens up your mind, he’s also been using this trip to demonstrate how travel can actually offer huge benefits for business people. In a slight detour from our normal topics, why not read this week’s blog to see what you could be learning by taking a voyage.

Image showing construction site workers sweeping and tidying up materials

While cleaning up might seem like a secondary concern on a bustling construction site, taking the time to remove scrap materials, dispose of debris properly and store tools securely is crucial. These practices aren’t just about keeping things tidy; they’re essential for preventing accidents, injuries and environmental hazards.

In many cases, incidents involving slips, trips and falls could have been prevented if the site had simply followed better housekeeping practices. Take note of some top tips in this week’s blog.

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