Twelve members of Sheriff’s top team have just returned from a five day trip to Dubai, a reward from the company for all their hard work and loyalty over recent years!

Including Company Directors, Contract Managers, Site Managers and Foremen, the team were treated to a stayover in a five star hotel plus an itinerary of site seeing trips and meals out.

Find out more about what they got up to in this week’s blog.

In recent years, it’s not often been possible to talk about the supply of any building materials without including the word ‘shortages’.

Finally that seems to have changed as it’s now being reported that, with a slowdown in housing developments, stocks of bricks and some other construction materials are on the rise.

In this week’s blog, we’re reporting on what industry leaders are saying about product demand and supply in the sector.

In a single year, the UK generates 67.8 million tonnes of non-hazardous Construction and Demolition waste, a figure that represents 62% of the nation’s total waste output.

This waste is made up of all kinds of products – concrete bricks, tiles, ceramics, insulation, wood, glass, plastic, bituminous mixtures, cement, gypsum, paints, varnishes, soil, stones, coal, tar, cables, pipes, adhesives and sealants – to name a few!

While much of this is recovered, taking action to reduce construction waste has proven to be good, not only for the environment, but also for business. Keep reading to find out more…

The cost of living crisis is something that’s repeatedly filling our news streams with reports of how this is affecting people, businesses and whole industries.

Now, it has been revealed that, during 2022, high levels of inflation on building materials has made its mark on the UK’s construction sector – taking the total cost of construction output for the year to a record level of £204bn.

Read on for more on this story as well as what the experts are predicting for 2023…

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