Image of a roof with orange and red autumn leaves and trees in the background (AI generated)

Modern flat roofing systems, when installed by professionals, are designed to require minimal upkeep. However, that doesn’t mean ‘no maintenance’ and most in the roofing business recommend a twice-yearly routine maintenance check.

So, as we face the usual influx of leaves, debris and unpredictable weather that come with Autumn, this week’s blog will guide you through some key steps to keep your roof in top shape.

There was a time when the idea of including a flat roof in a building design would have been considered risky, largely because of the kind of roofing materials used during the 1950s and 60s which proved to be not that durable and had a reputation for leaks. However, the technology has moved on so much since then and today we have flat-roofing solutions which provide exceptional waterproofing, are resistant to tear or puncture and have a much longer lifespan than their predecessors.

Perhaps the best thing about modern flat-roofing is that, providing it has been professionally installed, it should only ever require some simple routine maintenance. With the Autumn bringing leaves and debris onto our roofs, now is the time to get that maintenance done. Follow our advice in this week’s blog.