A fire that ripped through a residential project in East London this June led to one construction worker having to be rescued from the end of a tower crane and seven people being hospitalised due to smoke inhalation.
The fire was just one of hundreds that occur on construction sites each year across the UK, potentially putting the lives of workers and members of the public at risk. Make sure this doesn’t happen at your site by reading our latest blog.
Health and safety on construction sites has vastly improved over the past decade but one area that is still a concern for many is the risk of injury, death and property damage caused by fire. Looking at the last five years, fires on construction sites have increased overall by 9.6%. The good news is that…

Guy Fawkes Night – that one day of the year when we all enjoy watching the night sky light up and sizzle in memory of an event that narrowly avoided seeing the Houses of Parliament go up in flames! While not wanting to spoil anyone’s fun later this evening, fire prevention and safety is a…