Rigorous safety checks on the materials used to build homes will be enforced by a new national Regulator for Construction Products. Largely brought about in response to testimonies made about some manufacturers of construction materials at the Grenfell Inquiry, the Regulator will have powers to remove materials with significant safety risks from the market; to investigate cases and conduct its own product-testing; and to prosecute companies that fail to follow the rules.

All CSCS cards should have a smart chip embedded into them by March 2022. That’s the recommendation being made by the Construction Leadership Council which it says will improve security and efficiency, thereby protecting the integrity of the system. CSCS cards are widely recognised as the industry-standard requirement for all on-site construction operatives.

With 2020 continuing to be tough for many, we could all do with something to celebrate, right? How about the fact that not only are we still celebrating our 15th anniversary, but Sheriff Construction has also successfully gained/ renewed several accreditations this year. Collectively, these prove our continued high standards of professionalism, quality assurance and…