Sheriff Construction is once again getting behind grassroots football by sponsoring the Under 16s girls team at Leighton Woodside.

In the year when England’s Lionesses came so close to holding that World Cup, this seemed another fitting way for us to show some community spirit and put our name on some very smart-looking new kit for the team. Find out more in this quick read blog.

Ready for the season

Having previously sponsored the under 10s and under 14s girls football teams at Leighton United Football Club plus the under 8s boys at Crawley Green Hawkes in Luton, this year it was Leighton Woodside FC that reached out for our support.

The club is one of Leighton Buzzard’s oldest established teams, founded in 1975. Today it coaches competitive teams ranging from 7-year old boys and girls to adults.

To get ready for the 2023-24 season, the club realised their Under 16s Girls team were in need of a new training kit and rain jackets. With one of the team having a family connection with Sheriff, they thought it was worth asking if we could help and, of course, we said ‘yes’!

Now, all 17 players in the team are sporting a smart navy and pale blue training kit plus rain jackets that will see them through the winter months, all featuring the Sheriff logo. Don’t they look smart!

Inspire… Develop… Compete

Since we’ve sponsored them, we’ve learned that Leighton Woodside has a great motto: ‘Inspire, Develop, Compete’

INSPIRE is about giving the players energy and determination, nurturing them to develop the skills and behaviours that give them the best chance to succeed and inspiring them to achieve their full potential.

DEVELOP is about developing the skills the players need to become confident footballers – not only physical strength and technical ability but also things like social skills, communication, teamwork and discipline.

COMPETE is about competing to win, but in a way that is inclusive and offers equal opportunities to all players who show commitment and a determination to improve. It’s really about competing to the best of their ability because when that happens, win, lose or draw, they’ve likely had a great competitive game.

Looking at what this motto is saying, we think there are a lot of parallels with how we operate here at Sheriff Construction. We want to inspire and nurture our people to be the best version of themselves; we want to develop their range of skills and abilities so they can confidently do their job; and we want to compete, not at all costs, but to the best of our ability. 

So, while we may be helping to inspire the Leighton Woodside girls with our sponsorship, the club has inspired us with its strong message.


Feature image: Freepik

All other images: Provided for Sheriff Construction with LWFC permission