Research suggests that the average British construction worker consumes more than 4000 calories a day. That’s 1500 calories above the recommended daily intake for men and 2000 more than what’s recommended for women.

While the daily toll of physical labour means construction workers probably do need more fuel than the average person, the problem is that they’re often choosing unhealthy fast-food options which do not provide the best energy boost and have long-term health implications. Find out more in this week’s blog which includes some healthy alternatives for your key fuelling up times – breakfast and lunch.

Even though some people may be out off by rising energy prices and interest rates, home ownership is still very common, with many people viewing it as both a security blanket for themselves and their families and a lucrative investment opportunity.

When searching for the ideal residence, people tend to look for traditional must-haves like outdoor space, the size of the home, parking and local amenities. However, with new ideas and technologies constantly changing the way our houses are designed and fitted out, we wondered what might become the must-haves of the future. Read on for a few thoughts…

In the UK, buildings account for around 40% of energy consumption and offices are especially known as enormous energy guzzlers. So, if there was a way for offices and other buildings like classrooms, for instance, to become energy-positive (generating more energy than they consume), this could be a game-changer for the built environment. Such innovation…