At least two online media outlets have just published articles about Sheriff Construction, recognising our company as one of the leading installers and suppliers of flat-roofing systems and brickwork services in the UK.

Both the UK Herald and London Journal picked up the story of our 17 years in the industry and recent success, noting the national recognition our company has gained for delivering exceptional work on commercial and residential projects and for our pursuit of innovation. Read the full story in this week’s blog.

For any company to be successful, good leadership is essential. This is true across many different industries and the main issue for construction businesses is achieving this at all the various leadership levels across their organisation. Among other things, we need great leaders in the office to provide direction on the business strategy, principles and procedures; we need great leaders on board at the very beginning of every project to engage with clients and oversee safety, costs and budgeting; and we need great leaders on the ground at each site to manage schedules, monitor progress and motivate the team. With so much riding on it, we’re taking a moment this week to reflect on what good leadership in construction actually looks like.