Image of a man with a sack of money on his back, representing the idea of overspending.

The John Lewis advert has hit the screens, supermarket shelves are starting to fill up with Christmas goodies and probably somewhere there’s a radio station already adding Mariah Carey into their playlist.

While the festive season brings joy to many, there is a darker side which sees some people falling into debt as they join in with the ‘spend, spend, spend’ ethos that will be pushed at us over weeks ahead. Businesses are not immune to this either and can, in fact, stumble into overspending habits at any time of the year. With this in mind, our blog this week focuses on some simple ideas for avoiding overspending.

A couple of weeks ago, we used our blog to tell you about how and why Sheriff is setting out its ‘social value’ – the principles, policies and actions we can take as a business to support and promote social, economic and environmental wellbeing in society.

In part 1, we particularly looked at how we can make a greater positive impact on the communities we live and work in. In the second of this series, we want to focus on our company’s greatest asset – our people – and so we begin this week’s blog with a question:

How can we support the people who work with us to prosper at work and across all aspects of their lives?

Mistakes can be made at any phase of a construction project. Some may be minor but others can have serious consequences, affecting costs, schedules and, of course, the health and safety of workers. When the stakes are this high, it’s important that any mistakes lead to lessons being learnt, but it’s even more important that they are avoided in the first place. With that in mind, here’s our short guide to avoiding some of the common pitfalls in construction; in other words what NOT to do!