The afternoon slump, a dip in energy that usually occurs between 1.00 – 3.00pm, is a common experience for many workers. Whether you’re swinging a hammer on a construction site or crunching numbers in an office, the ‘slump’ can significantly impact your productivity.
However, by implementing a few simple strategies, you can effectively combat this mid-day lull and maintain a high level of focus throughout the entire day. Take a look at this week’s blog for more.

After a few chilly early mornings and, as we’re likely heading into the coldest months of the year, it’s time once again for the construction industry to brace itself against the full impact of winter.
Working outdoors in rain, snow, ice, fog or wind can be harsh, however there are practical solutions which can help ensure such work is carried out productively and that every site worker stays safe and healthy. Take just a few minutes out of your day to read this week’s blog, where we’re sharing three strategies for weatherproofing the construction site.

When project deadlines are looming, allowing periods of overtime can be helpful in ensuring everything is completed on time. However, excessive reliance on overtime during any phase of construction can be a telltale sign that something might have gone wrong at the initial planning stage.
So, the question is ‘How can a construction business effectively reduce its reliance on overtime and ensure smoother, more efficient operations?’ Read this week’ blog to explore this subject in more detail.

Last night, the film industry turned out for the Oscars and usually the day after would see people discussing whether the awards went to the most deserving nominees. Only this year, the focus has shifted from the actual films as instead everyone is talking about the moment the actor Will Smith walked onto the stage and hit the comedian Chris Rock in the face!
The incident, which took place after Rock had made a joke about Smith’s wife, seemed completely uncharacteristic of the normally professional actor but this got us thinking about how easy it can be to lose your cool at work and whether there are ways to avoid doing just that. Take a look at our latest blog for five ways to keep your cool.