Keeping it clean: One of the key things the coronavirus has taught us has to be the importance of keeping ourselves and everything around us as clean as possible. You might be forgiven for thinking this is slightly impossible in the context of a building site, but for anyone working through the current conditions, the…

A reminder of when and how to travel safely to work As we’ve previously mentioned, many construction sites have temporarily closed but some are continuing to operate under the strict guidelines created by the Construction Leadership Council in line with government advice on COVID-19. All of the major contractors we work with have implemented these….

COVID-19 stories are dominating every aspect of our daily news, making it hard to filter out the information that might be the most relevant to you personally or professionally. With that in mind here’s a few construction-related headlines you might have missed recently: Many UK housebuilders have furloughed high percentages (up to 80%) of their…

With so much uncertainty across the construction sector and in all our daily lives, today we’d like to present an update on where things stand at Sheriff Construction in relation to the impact from COVID-19. The majority of on-site work has come to a close Prior to the coronavirus crisis, Sheriff had contracts in place…

The UK is in the middle of a nationwide lockdown to slow the spread of COVID-19 but since that announcement was made last night there has been much confusion about what construction workers (who cannot realistically carry out their work from home) should do. When questioned about this earlier today, Cabinet Minister, Michael Gove said:…

Over the last few years, our blog has frequently come back to the importance of recycling materials on site to reduce waste. One area we’ve not covered so far, however, is whether it’s possible to find end-uses for more recycled materials within construction projects. The answer is, of course, yes! Not only is it possible,…

Health and safety on construction sites has vastly improved over the past decade but one area that is still a concern for many is the risk of injury, death and property damage caused by fire. Looking at the last five years, fires on construction sites have increased overall by 9.6%. The good news is that…

The most recent ONS* report on the construction sector (for 2018) describes the numbers of people employed by the sector and how things vary between different regions in the UK (with the South East and London topping the list for construction employment). What it doesn’t include is any mention of the male to female ratio…

Accidents or injuries on site are best prevented by adopting positive behaviours and attitudes which keep everyone safe – good communication, avoiding making assumptions and being cooperative with colleagues for instance. That all sounds pretty obvious, however in practise things can easily go wrong when workers lapse into bad practices. Last week, we took a…

Recently, one of our team was sitting in a public place when she overhead two elderly ladies discussing the numbers of people coming to the UK, how they get benefits and don’t make a contribution in tax (in other words having a right old moan about immigration). The funny thing is that, having emigrated to…