In this week’s blog, the third in our series looking at how to achieve improvements in your mental health, we’re going to focus on something many of us struggle to find the time for – relaxation. In 2018, a study carried out by Healthspan asked 2000 adults in the UK about their ability to relax….

Uncertainties over Brexit are undoubtedly causing major issues for British businesses (particularly in terms of how and when they can move forwards with investment-driven projects). However, there is another pressing issue that, right now, is hugely problematic for companies – late payments. Just take a look at the following statistics: The UK’s late payment problem…

In the UK, buildings account for around 40% of energy consumption and offices are especially known as enormous energy guzzlers. So, if there was a way for offices and other buildings like classrooms, for instance, to become energy-positive (generating more energy than they consume), this could be a game-changer for the built environment. Such innovation…

A couple of weeks ago, we published the first in a new series of Sheriff Construction blogs which focus on mental health and associated issues. Continuing the theme, this week we’re talking about stress. Stress is defined by the HSE as ‘The adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure or other types of demands placed…

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