There was a time when the idea of including a flat roof in a building design would have been considered risky, largely because of the kind of roofing materials used during the 1950s and 60s which proved to be not that durable and had a reputation for leaks. However, the technology has moved on so much since then and today we have flat-roofing solutions which provide exceptional waterproofing, are resistant to tear or puncture and have a much longer lifespan than their predecessors.

Perhaps the best thing about modern flat-roofing is that, providing it has been professionally installed, it should only ever require some simple routine maintenance. With the Autumn bringing leaves and debris onto our roofs, now is the time to get that maintenance done. Follow our advice in this week’s blog.

With the August bank holiday weekend coming up, some people will be taking this opportunity to get away for the last time before the ‘back to school’ season kicks in. Others, however, will be doing that other thing we Brits seem to love to tackle on bank holidays – a bit of DIY!

That often means decorating or carrying out refurbishments inside the home but have you thought about the exterior – the walls, doors, windows, lighting and roof? After all, it’s the state of these things that makes a first impression on anyone who visits your home and it’s also worth remembering that any wear and tear not only looks bad but can be costly, causing energy loss and perhaps more expensive repairs if left unresolved for too long.

In this week’s blog, we’ve got four things you could do to improve the exterior of your home.

Earlier this month, we reported on how the construction industry in the UK will need over a quarter of a million extra workers by 2026, including 26,000 in Greater London and 24,600 across the East of England.

This is going to be a real challenge, not least because the numbers of young people looking to enter the sector are far below the numbers of older workers who are leaving their trade. One YouGov Omnibus survey found that only 3% of young people aged 18-24 had searched for a job in construction.

As schools and colleges across the country come to a close, it’s likely there are a great many young people who haven’t fully decided what to do next. To help, we thought we’d share what we know about some of the key construction trades and so the focus of today’s blog is roofing.

When the use of flat-roofing in construction hit its first wave of popularity (roughly from the 1950’s to 1970s), most of the properties that were built during that time offered little or no insulation. This approach, known as ‘cold roof’ construction, is now only rarely used as modern day property developments are far more likely to use ‘warm roofing’ methods which help to ensure rooms in the building are warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer, thereby reducing energy usage, bills and environmental impact.

In this week’s blog, we’re putting the spotlight on roofing insulation, its benefits and what’s changed between the older and newer generation systems.

Sheriff Construction was thrilled to receive a prestigious award from IKO last week. The award, which placed Sheriff as ‘Highly Commended’ was made in relation to the roofing works that we have been carrying out in the upcoming London hotspot of Charlton but also in recognition of our company’s story and the wider support we’ve offered to the communities we work in. Read more in this week’s blog.

Anyone involved in the roofing business will know that the job simply could not be done without frequently coming into contact with and using a range of products that are regulated by the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSSH) Assessment.

While most dangers can be avoided by following the correct handling procedures, accidents do occur in the industry and so it’s really important that roofers know what to do in the event of a problem. Here’s a reminder of the appropriate First Aid measures required in relation to some of the commonly used COSSH substances.

The Construction Product Association’s latest Spring Forecast, published today, paints a mixed picture for the construction industry. On the positive side, the report is predicting that construction output will rise by 12.9% this year (and another 5.2% in 2022). However, it also highlights some significant risks to the sector’s recovery, most notably around shortages and high prices affecting key construction products. Take a look at this week’s blog to find out more about why getting hold of some of these products could prove tricky over the year ahead.

Image of a hand holding a green piece of fabric shaped like a house in a grass field.

A year has now passed since the UK went into its first lockdown and, as well as this being such a tragic time for so many people, it’s also been a period when the government has poured an unprecedented £340bn into schemes intended to support companies and individuals through the crisis. Amidst all that COVID-related spending, it can be easy to forget that the country has several other priorities – not least of which is the urgency around climate change. Kicking off what is being dubbed the ‘green industrial revolution’, the government recently unveiled a £1bn funding pot for projects across England that will help to cut emissions from public buildings, schools and hospitals.

When working with hot melt or torch-on systems, the roofing environment can easily become hazardous. But, if workers are committed to following the right safety procedures and have an attitude where safety always comes first, any potential hazards can just as easily be avoided. We’ve just issued all our operatives with a detailed Toolbox Talk to ensure their understanding of this issue is completely up-to-date. Here, we share some of some of the key points.

As we approach the end of 2020, we’re guessing we’re not the only ones who are looking back over all the challenges this year has brought, counting our blessings to be among the businesses who survived and looking forward to what will hopefully be better times in the New Year. But, while we can’t ignore the impact that Covid-19 has had, Sheriff has actually had many positive moments this year. Here’s our highlights.

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