Image of a project in Battersea using Ryno slab paving

After a short summer break from blogging, we are back in the room and thought what better subject to resume with than another shout out to our wonderful suppliers.

In the last of this series (for the time being), we’re giving recognition to another two companies that have been consistently supporting us at Sheriff Construction and our sister companies. Read on to find out more.

Image showing houses being built on a building site in Basildon

A couple of weeks ago, we shared the first of our ‘Shout out to our suppliers’ blog series, in which we are recognising some of the brilliant suppliers who have been supporting Sheriff over the years.

While our first blog focussed on roofing and safety systems, today we’re turning our attention to two suppliers who, between them, are providing us with most of our masonry requirements. Keep reading to find out who they are.

Arriving on the construction scene as a small gang of builders back in 2005, we have grown into a much larger enterprise that now comprises of two construction companies (Sheriff Construction and Sheriff Brickworks) plus two property development companies.

We could not have managed this level of growth without the fantastic suppliers that have supported us along the way, often for many years. So, we thought it was about time we used our blog to shine the spotlight on some of them. Read on for part 1 of this ‘shout out to our suppliers’ series.

Image of a Christmas themed balloon arch at the Sheriff Christmas party

With the end of the year approaching, Sheriff’s team came together on Saturday night to eat, drink, dance and generally ‘be merry’ at our Christmas party.

As well as this being the moment when everyone starts enjoying the festivities, it’s always a time when we, at Sheriff Construction, like to look back and review what kind of year we’ve had. Read this week’s blog for a few of 2023’s highlights.

On Saturday, Sheriff Construction’s team members, their families and others who work alongside us came together for the annual Christmas bash.

Held at Venue 360’s Balcony Bar, it was a night of eating, drinking and of course dancing! Around 80 people came along and, as always, it was great to see everyone enjoying the festivities. Our thanks to everyone who joined us for this brilliant night out.

Although there are a few weeks left of 2022, whenever we host this party, it always seems like the right time to reflect on the year gone by. Once again it has been a busy year with lots of changes and some ups and downs in Sheriff’s world. In this week’s blog, we’ve picked out some of our highlights.

A few weeks ago, we published a blog with some tips about managing and improving something that plays a huge part in every construction project – quality. We looked at how important it is to set out goals, carry out tons of forward planning, create work lists for each and every phase of a project, make inspection plans and to monitor, review and learn from every experience.

However, even with the very best intentions to keep on top of all of this, once a project is underway those intentions can be slipped up and brought to the ground by unexpected obstacles or even by a single mistake that compromises quality and/or safety. As a follow up to our previous blog, today we’re delving into four key factors than can cause such a fall – Systems and audits, Changes, Materials and suppliers, and Human error.