While robotics have been commonplace in manufacturing for many years, the complexity and unpredictability of factors than can occur on construction sites has made their widescale use in this environment more problematic. Now, an emerging robotic system being developed and tested by a team at Purdue University in the U.S. may be about to change that. Read more in this week’s blog from Sheriff Construction.

While the central role of a roof in covering and protecting the inside of a building from what goes on outside has remained the same, advancements within the industry mean that modern day roofing often goes far beyond the basics. New technologies have added functionality and brought several benefits into roofing systems and with so much going on, we thought we’d use this week’s blog to shine a light on two fairly recent innovations – cool roofing and blue roofing.

Materials from construction and demolition are contributing up to 40 per cent of the world’s waste – the result of which is often mountains of rubble left in landfill sites. We all know this is unacceptable but perhaps there’s a simple solution – recycled concrete. A five-year study of this type of concrete shows it performs just as well and, in several cases, actually outperforms the traditional material.

Rigorous safety checks on the materials used to build homes will be enforced by a new national Regulator for Construction Products. Largely brought about in response to testimonies made about some manufacturers of construction materials at the Grenfell Inquiry, the Regulator will have powers to remove materials with significant safety risks from the market; to investigate cases and conduct its own product-testing; and to prosecute companies that fail to follow the rules.

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