Tools and equipment are essential to the effective running of any construction site but, because they are used so much, they can suffer a lot of wear and tear, become damaged and eventually be unusable.

However, with proper care and maintenance, the lifespan of your tools and equipment can be extended and that’s good news for four reasons: 1) Better quality tools means better quality work; 2) It reduces costs related to repairs or replacements; 3) There will be fewer accidents/ injuries from faulty equipment; and 4) It’s better for the environment.

With so much to gain, in this week’s blog, we’re sharing some top tips for how to protect and maintain those tools.

Sheriff Construction is delighted to announce that we’ve just secured our biggest brickwork contract to date. Valued at just over £6.1m, the deal will see our team supporting a major UK housebuilder at 5-acre regeneration site in Woolwich, London.

This is a significant win for Sheriff Construction as it cements the strong relationship we’ve built up with this client (who we’re not naming right now due to our protocols around confidentiality) and will provide our team with at least 2-years’ worth of secure work. The contract is also among the first to be secured since our company restructured, meaning the job will be managed through our sister company, Sheriff Brickworks. Read this week’s blog to find out more.

A new technology, using flying robots (drones) that work cooperatively like bees, might soon be something we see in use on a construction site.

Imitating some of the methods used by nature’s airborne builders, the technology (which has so far been tested in a lab) could ultimately be used for manufacturing and building – particularly in difficult-to-access or dangerous locations such as tall buildings or help with post-disaster relief works.

Take a look at this week’s blog to find out more…

A new England-wide employment scheme is looking to encourage more women to join the residential construction workforce and especially to go into site management roles.

Launched by the Home Builders Federation and the not-for-profit organisation, Women Into Construction, the scheme is offering women work placement opportunities on sites with access to support with childcare and training costs. The hope is that this will have the duel effect of reducing skills shortages in the industry and rebranding construction as a rewarding and practical career opportunity for people from all walks of life. Read on for more details…

Known as ‘Twelfth Night’, today officially marks the end of the festive period. For most people, this means that the lights and decorations will have been packed away, the chocolate box will be reduced to a few strawberry creams and normal working/ school days will have resumed.

While the return to a normal routine can feel like a natural comfort zone, for many people the prospect of the cold, dark winter months ahead can bring a dose of the blues and a lack of motivation that affects their personal and working lives.

If that’s you right now, here are a few tips for how you can stay motivated at work this January.

The recent cold snap is a reminder to us that working outdoors in such conditions is not exactly the most pleasant thing any of us could be doing and that, once again, it’s time for our industry to brace itself for the winter months ahead.

During these months, we all need to be aware of the potential hazards that come with harsher weather, recognise that some tasks could take longer to complete and be prepared to make adaptations when planning work activities.

If you’re working on site this winter, here’s our handy guide to surviving the cold.

On Saturday, Sheriff Construction’s team members, their families and others who work alongside us came together for the annual Christmas bash.

Held at Venue 360’s Balcony Bar, it was a night of eating, drinking and of course dancing! Around 80 people came along and, as always, it was great to see everyone enjoying the festivities. Our thanks to everyone who joined us for this brilliant night out.

Although there are a few weeks left of 2022, whenever we host this party, it always seems like the right time to reflect on the year gone by. Once again it has been a busy year with lots of changes and some ups and downs in Sheriff’s world. In this week’s blog, we’ve picked out some of our highlights.

Since the clocks went back in October, the hours of daylight have been getting shorter and that means many construction workers (including those working in office support roles) will be spending at least part of their working day and commuting time in the dark.

This can result in additional safety and security issues, including the risk of accidents occurring on site or while travelling to work as well as more malignant factors such as premises and/or workers being targeted by thieves taking advantage of the cover of darkness.

Here, we look at six simple ways you can stay safer this winter.

With all the political news focusing on the UK budget last week, you might have missed some amendments being made to the government’s Levelling Up Bill which will have implications for the construction industry.

Alongside measures that are supposed to help regenerate communities, speed up the delivery of new homes, improve wastewater facilities and give local people a greater say in how their neighbourhood looks, the government have presented what they’re calling BIDEN principles which should be applied to all new developments.

Intrigued as to what this means, we thought we’d find out more and use this week’s blog to explain.

There was a time when the idea of including a flat roof in a building design would have been considered risky, largely because of the kind of roofing materials used during the 1950s and 60s which proved to be not that durable and had a reputation for leaks. However, the technology has moved on so much since then and today we have flat-roofing solutions which provide exceptional waterproofing, are resistant to tear or puncture and have a much longer lifespan than their predecessors.

Perhaps the best thing about modern flat-roofing is that, providing it has been professionally installed, it should only ever require some simple routine maintenance. With the Autumn bringing leaves and debris onto our roofs, now is the time to get that maintenance done. Follow our advice in this week’s blog.

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