The most recent ONS* report on the construction sector (for 2018) describes the numbers of people employed by the sector and how things vary between different regions in the UK (with the South East and London topping the list for construction employment). What it doesn’t include is any mention of the male to female ratio…

Accidents or injuries on site are best prevented by adopting positive behaviours and attitudes which keep everyone safe – good communication, avoiding making assumptions and being cooperative with colleagues for instance. That all sounds pretty obvious, however in practise things can easily go wrong when workers lapse into bad practices. Last week, we took a…

If you ever come and spend some time with us at Sheriff Construction, you’ll soon find out that job site safety is something we talk about… a lot! We’re of the firm belief that, when it comes to accidents or mishaps, prevention is better than the cure. The good news is it’s not all that…

Recently, one of our team was sitting in a public place when she overhead two elderly ladies discussing the numbers of people coming to the UK, how they get benefits and don’t make a contribution in tax (in other words having a right old moan about immigration). The funny thing is that, having emigrated to…

Over a third of all major injuries reported each year are caused by a slip or trip at work. In the construction industry, that means several thousand workers suffer injuries every year, around a thousand of which involve fractured bones or dislocated joints. While some injuries are minor, those which are more serious can result…

The UK construction industry has come a long way with its recycling/ reuse practices but, due to the overproduction and inefficient use of some materials, the sector is still one of the biggest contributors to waste. Along with the environmental impact this has (i.e. adding to landfill), waste has clear financial implications for any company…

The physical and mental health of our team is always important to us. That’s why, since World Mental Health day last year, we’ve occasionally used this blog to publish a series of quick tips and advice around mental health and wellbeing. By no means are we experts in this field, so we’ve taken inspiration from…

As a business that’s been operating within the construction sector for nearly 15 years and undergone considerable growth over the past 4 years, we’re proud to say that our team consists of people who are knowledgeable, highly skilled and experienced about their trade and/or role. The question we’re asking today, however, is whether that knowledge…

There’s something about the turning of a new year which makes us think about all we’ve accomplished last year before swinging our attention to everything we want to do or achieve over the year ahead. Although many people admit to breaking their New year’s Resolutions before they even get to the end of January, the…

At the end of each year at Sheriff Construction, we like to look back at all the things our company has achieved. With uncertainties over Brexit and ongoing challenges around skills shortages and sometimes difficulties in financing projects, many in the construction sector have found 2019 difficult. However, due to the massive commitment our teams…

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